TkMan - a manual page and Texinfo browser

TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for UNIX. TkMan boasts hypertext links, unmatched online text formatting and display quality, (optional) outline view of man pages [screen dump], high quality display and superior navigational interface to Texinfo documents [screen dump], a novel information visualization mechanism called Notemarks, full text search among man pages and Texinfo, incremental and regular expression search within pages, regular expression search within Texinfo that shows all matches (not just the next), robustly attached yellow highlight annotations, a shortcut/hot list, lists of all pages in user configurable volumes, a comprehensive Preferences panel, and man page versioning support, among many other features.

"I encourage you to use TkMan for reading man pages. ... TkMan provides an extremely pleasant GUI for browsing man pages. I cannot describe all the nice features of TkMan in this small space. Instead I will merely say that I now actually look forward to reading man pages as long as I can do it with TkMan."
-- Don Libes, Exploring Expect, page 21

Read the Linux Gazette review.

Check out the Multivalent Browser with its manual page display module, and its TkMan comparison.


What's New

TkMan is mature — battle tested in public distribution since 1993. However, it does track new releases of Tcl/Tk, in which it is written, as received fixes as I'm made aware of bugs.


You need the following for a complete system: Optional supporting software:

E-mail: phelps (at) If you're submitting a bug report, refer to the help page for information required for a response. (I do not read e-mail sent my address.)

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